CPQ is the Configure, Price, Quote add-on available in your web application. Sales teams can easily create documents in a few clicks using pre-set templates and add products from the product catalog. This eliminates the need for multiple product catalogs which may have outdated information and also helps standardize the documentation in the organization. 

With the add-on enabled, users can create and generate quotes, contracts, and other documents. Organizations can ensure brand consistency by creating document templates with branded headers and footers. Document templates can include placeholders so that each time the document is generated, the correct field value is populated from the associated record. Sales teams can easily create the document they need in a few clicks and share it with the contact on email. The document is auto-tagged to the deal/contact record. This eliminates the need for manually associating the document with the record. For each document, view the updates and changes made including when it is sent to the customer in chronological order on the activity timeline. 

Enabling the CPQ add-on

The CPQ add-on can be purchased from the Plans and Billing section from Admin settings. 

Once the add-on is purchased, the admin can enable CPQ for users based on their role from the Roles section. The total number of licenses purchased will be displayed here. 

For existing roles, you can enable the CPQ add-on by editing the role. 

When creating a new role, you can enable CPQ from the pane displayed. Once the role is created, you can assign the new role to existing users and the CPQ add-on will be available to all users with the role. 

Here are the changes that a user will see once CPQ is enabled for their role: 

Once the role is updated with the CPQ license, the user receives an email notification regarding the update. The user can now access the Documents module from the left navigation pane. If the user role has Manage Admin settings privilege, the user can access the Documents module from the Admin Settings -> CPQ Settings -> Documents.

  1. As an Admin, they can assign the purchased CPQ licenses to custom/default roles. All users in that role will now have CPQ access. The updated number of available CPQ licenses will now display the remaining licenses after reducing the number of new users assigned to the CPQ-enabled role.
  2. The Admin can modify the role-based privilege for the Documents module, choosing to enable or disable View, Create, Edit, and Delete permissions for the role.Example: The Restricted User role can be allowed to View documents but not have the permissions to Create or Delete any documents. 

Note: The number of users assigned to this role should be less than or equal to the add-on quantity purchased. 

Example: If the total number of licenses is 5 and the Restricted User role has 6 users, the CPQ add-on can not be enabled for this role. The admin can modify the user count for the Restricted User role to match 5 by reassigning a user and enable the add-on again.

What happens if a user is removed from a role with a CPQ license?

If a user is removed from a role with a CPQ license, the user will not be able to view or edit any documents and the total count of available CPQ licenses will be increased by one. The documents created by the user will be available in the Documents module and on the deal landing page.

What happens if the account downgrades to a lower plan or the CPQ add-on is removed?

In this case, the add-on is automatically removed from the account and the roles with CPQ license type will be revoked of CPQ access. 

Users will not be able to access the documents module and the Documents created will not be accessible under deals or anywhere in the account. However, the documents will not be removed from the backend database and will be visible if the add-on is re-enabled.