Whenever you as a sales rep meet up or talk to a prospect, it’s a sales activity. It could be a simple skype call or a face to face lunch meeting too.
Such activities might give you more context on where the deal with the prospect is heading.
Keeping a record of these activities, it’s outcomes and some useful specifics that you get to know about the prospect from the meeting can be made note of with custom sales activities.
Some default activity types like tasks, appointments, etc. are available in the web application.
But most businesses might need additional sales activity types based on their sales process. With this feature, such businesses can use custom sales activities to suit their process. Once the account Admin configures the different types of custom sales activities, the sales reps can start using them.
Every sales rep, irrespective of being a restricted user, user, manager, admin or account admin can add activities.
What are the different ways of scheduling a sales activity?
A sales activity can be added in one of the three ways.
From the activities dashboard
Click the . This brings up Sales activities dropdown. button
Choose a custom sales activity of your choice by clicking it. This brings up the ADD SALES ACTIVITY overlay
Fill in the details such as Date, Time, and Outcomes–if it is an elapsed event– and click .
From the details page:
Click the drop-down present next to the name of the Contacts/Accounts/Deals in the respective details page.
You’ll have options to Add sales activity amongst a few others.
Select the option, an ADD SALES ACTIVITY overlay comes up.
Fill in the fields and click .
New button form the global nav bar:
Click the ➕ button on the global nav bar. The activities section in this drop-down shows recently used sales activity types.
Choose one of the options to create and track a sales activity.
From the List view:
Click the on a record of your choice. button
Click Add sales activity from the list of options. This brings up the sales activity overlay and allows you to add a sales activity of your choice.
How do you edit a sales activity?
Go to the Activities Dashboard section
Click the dropdown icon of the particular activity that you want to edit.
Then choose to Edit sales activity.
An overlay to edit the sales activity’s properties comes up.
Click once the changes are made. This updates the sales activity.
Where can you view all your activities?
1. All completed activities related to a specific Contacts/Accounts/Deals is listed in their respective activity timeline. All upcoming activities can be viewed on the right panel. This listing can’t be edited or removed from the timeline. You can also view all upcoming activities on the Activities dashboard.
2. You may also see all your activities in the Recent conversations section of each record. You can see details like sales activity type, name of the activity, and Owner.
<RECENT CONVERSATIONS section screenshot>
How can you capture the outcome of a Sales activity?
Any sales activity, be it a call, or a luncheon, or a coffee, always has a significance in pushing the deal along its journey towards completion. Under such a scenario, it is always important to capture the outcome of such activity as it helps streamline the activity. The web application allows its users to capture the outcome of every sales activity on the platform. Here’s how you can do the same:
Click the Sales activity that you wish to update. This brings up the EDIT SALES ACTIVITY overlay where details related to the sales activity such as Type, Title, Owner, Related Contact, etc can be captured or edited and saved.
Fill out all the details relevant to your Sales activity and Choose the Outcome of your sales activity from the dropdown.
Click . Your sales activity will now be recorded on the web application. You can find all sales activities and their outcomes by scrolling down to Recent Activities.
Note: In addition to adding outcomes to your Sales Activities, you can also create customized reports for the same. Follow these instructions and create reports for your Sales Activities